New Store in Town


We are very happy to announce the opening of “SHOP & SAVE in Denmark” The new shop is essentially two outlet stores in one – mens fashion by Vanguard and furniture & decor by [SD]

With this economic situation we thought that we would create an outlet store, to give you the most for your money. The outlet offers a unique shopping experience with items priced at just L$40 (no matter what the signs may say). Shoppers can find clothing, caps, chairs, pillows, lockers and more will be added . So make sure to stop by once in a while for more bargains!

Vanguard was created by Working Camel (alt avatar for Aleida Rhode) & Dyce Parx, but they ended the co-operation, thus these items will be sold in the outlet store only. Aleida will be creating more fashion for men and will sell them from her main store.

[SD] is also known as [Scandinavian Designs] by Wipster Baxter.

Both | ALEIDA | and [SD] main stores are next door to SHOP & SAVE in Denmark.

A few examples of items from the outlet store:






In world by notecard or:

Wipster Baxter

Aleida Rhode

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